Jun 24, 2010

Whats on???

So as the title states whats on? To most this may come as what on God green earth is he talking about now. Well, here it is. I was sitting down with my sister as I so oftenly do and we began to whats on TV and the answer we go was nothing worth watching. What happened to the great TV shows of old?
what happened to the music video shows that actually played good music? It seems that society has just become so boring, It used to be cool to watch other people on TV, but now Reality TV has scripted their shows like "The Hills", "Survivor" yes! Survivor is scripted just to get up on society. I miss shows like Fresh Prince, Family Matter, Spider Man, Power Rangers and Full House just to name a few. It almost seems like all the good talent has and we have seen all the great shows come and go. Prime-time TV is the only time TV is worth watching cause companies knows thats when ever one is home, but even those shows are not like the late great shows that have come and gone. Yes, I am aware I said there nothing to watch, but Prime time is between 8-11pm. Is that the only tv people have time to watch TV the answer is no.

The Laptop has become a gift and a curse for the entertainment business. I can speak for myself when I say since I have bought a laptop I dont go to the movie theaters, I dont buy music, I watch shows that I have missed the night before. Its way to easy to gain access anymore and I think thats why nobody is putting their all into things anymore. Its almost like why break my back to make an album and have it leak a month later, Or why make a sex tape with my Wife to only have it leak online. Yes, these are strategic moves done by stars, but because this non-sense is going on your laptop is the best thing for you to have in front of you. If you missed something jump on Twitter and and download the last 5 minuted of something you just missed cause you were to busy watching downloading Drake's album. I'm getting a bit on topic here but, the camera has become a cultural norm and I'm not talking about the Kodak's that you can buy at the dollar store I'm talking Digital SLR what on camera men that has training bought. Its almost like because nothing is worthy of watching on TV, going on your laptop, making a blog, taking pics and buying Photoshop has become the need to have things these days. I still blame the lack of TV, because the entire time I have been blogging my cousin has been playing video games for the past 5 hours and why is that such a big deal because there is nothing on TV he can say, "oh i need the TV, my show is coming on". Kids are fighting for the remote anymore because whats there to do but sleep, or jump on ur laptop to see if Chris Brown beat someone else up. I can say Em not the same way, but I went to school, before the movement, I buy my Cd's because I respect the artist creativity being an artist myself. So I have joined some of the trends and that really why I'm writing this because I have seen a slight change in myself. When I used to come home from work the sketchbook was the 1st thing I would pick up, but not I log onto my laptop check my e-mail, Facebook, and sidebar links. I have become the one thing I have tried not to be, but the difference is I see what I have become and can change it. I know sitting on my laptop doesn't make any sense. I draw for a living and have self-fulfillment when it come to me being able to create in a stable area. Anyway folks I'm off to watch the NBA Draft. 

-Put down your laptops, read a book or CNN

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