Jun 8, 2010

Goodtimes with the Canon

Today was a day of new findings, book reading and random pictures to make you scratch your head.
Aimlessly walking and snapping picture with my new camera, cars rides to the book store to add more in-depth research to the collection and the up and coming line. I must say black and white photography has a way with me. Its just so vintage. I love color, but just think of a world that was black and white where color could be imagine and dreamed of. Yeah they have a movie and its happens to be one of my favorites. Pleasant Ville.

The pictures below is one of those hidden gems I was referring to on twitter. Its a local spot thats some friends and I heard about. I heard they sell patties and I hadn't one a patty in years, but the only difference is this patty came with lettuce and cheese. Yeah, I said ew!! in the beginning, but you cant knock it till you try it. This place sells pizzas, subs, and these patties. I don't usually blog about food, cause I feel like Maestro Knows has that done pat, but if your ever in the area check them out. I always down to support the locals especially when its food.

Well it was good, enjoy the summer folks as you can see I'm stuffing my face and working hard to bring the collection to your front door. Never be afraid to try something new, that how locals spots stay afloat. Go swimming or something folks.

-Till next time

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