Jun 18, 2010

Madbury has changed the way I blog..

Oh man its Friday. Well I made it to another one. As many would like to sat TGIF. I haven't been blogging much for the simple fact the entrance of The Madbury Club has consumed my life. Yes, it might seem a little weird but in stead of blogging I'm have been posting comments on music, fashion, games, and our new subculture of blogging and photo taking.  Not to mention the Editor & Chief: Phil has these dope layouts that makes me wanna , great content and a way of talking about things people are actually interested in blogging about.

I have been following Phil for a while and the Award Tour his personal clothing brand. If you have followed my blog you might have come across this video:


This video was done nearly a year prior to Madbury Club site actually going up. Like the many times I have posted this video or talk about Award Tour its just because I am  fan of what seems to be going on.  I blog about things for the people that don't know or haven't heard about it. Madbury Club seem like the new way of blogging and I'm sure with the right collective of people other blogs like this will appear. Just be the 1st to see what going on in the new, but fast world of blogging and self promo.

This was the NY Promo that got peoples attention, this video gives you some insight on what the club is bringing to your table. Many key players like: OnAwardTour (The Master Mind), MarcusTroyRebel SocialiteJuice Tha CapoMightyHealthyNYCtotheJLerickarcelliott,  iAmMeechMarley and TheBKCircus. Well. here it is he New York Promo:
The Madbury Club! from The Madbury Club on Vimeo.

Well I think I have done my fair share of blogging about Phil, Award Tour, and not the Madbury Club. I'm sure he has more up his sleeve, but for now I'm going to build my empire...Daily Antics...Lets Go!! look out for more in-depth blog post with graphics and better content.

-Never be afraid of what you believe in...go for your dreams and never turn back.

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