May 31, 2010

Playing In Colours

I always posting re-sampled images of previously done work. The worse thing about me is I am always. I think about what the next move is before I make the 1st move. its like running before you make your 1st step if that makes sense. Anyway the camera is on the way and I will be adding something new to the blog. Daily Antics isn't just a brand, but more of a lifestyle. Whats your passion? Whats drives you? These are things I ask myself almost everyday, but here is an image I just threw together after listening to Drake Drizzy. Check it out:

Some much going on in my head. Now its only time to put in the hours and pound out some paint into some canvas and continue my 1st love and passion. I dont think I could ever stop being creative or trying new things, meeting people and going places. "To infinity and beyond". Buzz Light Year was a role model when I was young. Let the beat bang...


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