May 14, 2010

This is Where I wanna be...

I usually do not talk about other people living out their lives because Im busy living out mine, but I turn on my laptop today as I usually do after a long night of work. Overnight I will tell you is not place for an artist like myself but its the path to greatness you must look at. Always moving forward, but back to the topic at hand. I was surfing the net and came across hypebeast my daily intake of what new and fresh in the world. I just so happened to stumble upon this:

Yeah you look at this image and say what he talking about now? its an image from the video below about the making of a t-shit by Inner City Empire. A glimpse  into the creation of a t-shirt. From the mind to the marketplace.” Sean Barton and OBLVN team up to put together a new design for Winner’s Circle boutique. When I say this video I felt like this was me this was why I'm working so hard to get to. Although the video makes it look really easy like anyone could pick up t-shirt making, it still caught my attention. 

Checkout the video: 

Making of a t-shirt from Treats Club on Vimeo.

Never stop doing what you love...

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