Mar 2, 2010

Funny that the world got me full of myself...

You ever wake up and wonder what have I dont in my life, what have I accomplished. I think to myself in the 20 plus years of life. I have come across many people, many different persnalities and when I come to think to myself I am my own worst critic. Im having fun with my computer, listening to music and I love basketball its clear that I love artwork ecspecially my own. I dont mean to toot my own horn but Im a damn good artist. its been a long time coming, but I am not finished I feel life is about progression and so is art..I love many different forms of art. Music has played a big role in my life, and is the main reason I still make art today other than my passion and mear love of it all.

As you can all see I have taken a liking to the digital realm of things, but its time to go back to my roots and deal with the fundamentals of life. The pencil is the foundation of my entire existance as an artist, it feels like since I could remember. My mom has always be academically forward, I was never really having all that. Always wanted to create and way to stubborn to have anyone tell me diffferent. Its what has kept me going...

Look for more art work to come your way...I dont think I will change anytime soon...
-Live Strong, Sean

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