Mar 13, 2010

Today like any other day I felt sleep was being underrated, for the clear fact that when I am in dream land the members of my family find it nessesary to walk in and out of my room like a busy NY street. This only leads me to get my ignorant shit on and start yelling at memeber of the family. Anyway with alot of sleep and a passion for art is dawn on me I still dont have my tattoo and the more I think about it the more I want it, the more I want to pull myself away from the normal way of life and branching out. The days I wake up and realize I am still young and hate what I do, a really begining to catch up to me.

Art work is definetly a passion of mind, its been instilled in my membrain since the day my mind was able to figure out how to use an object rather than putting it in my mouth. I have drawn any things for people and for myself. I dont think I could ever let the pencil down, but as these night begin to catch up to me the funk seems to be dying. Its only happen once when I was not drawing and all my frustration were let go on to the people closes to me. These days my state of mind ismt about the artwork, it has more to do with get the day over with. It has come to a point when real life has caught up to me and the life I want to love have clashed and reality looks to be settling. No this is not get giving up this is me realizing that the life Im living now needs to be changed and soon before I end up with children a mortgage and fall into the normals struggles of a married man that hates his job. Definetly one of my shorter blogs I will say, but it was more of a rant for me to get off my chest since being on nights it seems like the computer and the rest of the world are my friends, funny part about that it  90% of the people I have spoken to I have never seen in real life.

Anyways, on to the next one. The days between blogs these will few and far between. Expect more dope shit to becoming your way, stilll looking for an offical name for the clothes but that doesnt mean that artistic expression has to stop so get ready for it. The old wrist are starting to develop rust.

-Free Chillin'-Sean

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