Mar 30, 2010


I have come to realize that when your willing to share and speak to people across the world, you can definetly find out more than you could ever imagine. Twitter hands down has been the number reason I still blog and have any reason to even want to communicate with the outside world. That being said Twitter has introducded me to many different things and many different people. Gabriel Egbuson the founder of Cope Brand is one of them.
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Although we have never offically met, many ideas have been passed back and forth and some what of an online connection has been made, kinda like a twitter colleague. He is coming out with a t-shirt company that strive to be unique and provoke a reaction. This and more can be found at cope-bigcartel. I should be getting mine very soon. I love the concept and what he is bringing to the table. checkout the his website: COPEBRAND. Trust me when I say your not going to want to look like a band-wagon jumper when the Cope brand goes global.Get yours. If you have twitter check out Copebrand at: @COPEBRAND.

keep cheering for the under dog
-Stay up-Smurkone

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