Sep 9, 2011

Lookout: Frank Ocean

Just when you thought Odd Future only talked about rapping, killing and telling Steve Harvey to Fuck off. There has be an unsung hero in the group that only the true followers would know of. Frank Ocean is vocalist that recently signed to Def Jam and also part of the new cult craze Odd Future with Tyler The Creator.

Ocean has written songs for Justin Bieber, John Legend, Brandy and many more, he has also worked with like so Nas, Beyonce and Pharell. For such a short career he has made an impact and doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. The First time I heard of Frank Ocean I was shocked it was track "Strawberry String" that was sampled from cold play that got e hooked. I don't know if it was the familiarity that caught my hear but truthfully the guy can sing there is not question about that. I did not know he was the singer that happened to be on the very first track of Watch the Throne by Jay-Z and Kanye West, but even that is a huge feat in the career of Frank Ocean, to be paired with two of the top artists in the game speaks volumes for his career and how much he is respected.


Ocean is re-releasing is mix-tape and turning it into an official album, similar to what Drake did a few years back and the feedback from that was nuts. the only issues he may run into are the rights to some samples he may never get, which may turn out to hurt the potential album says. Overall Ocean is a young artist that with the right projects and the right determination with be a a great artist.


Time will tell where his careers goes, but it starts with the first album and how well it does and how fan draw to his music, but so far so good and for Mr. Ocean is seem the water will never run dry. 

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