Oct 28, 2010

It's crazy how things change when it comes to music, style, culture and overall life. I wanted to touch on fashion more in particular street wear, since I am on the outside looking in. I can appreciate brands like 10 deep, Supreme, Freshjive and Mighty Healthy for paving the way. 

Its seems though the tide has changed and brand like Award Tour, The Hundreds, Adapt, Ideall and many more brands are pushing the envelope. With time everything changes and the same go for street wear. Before it was about the underground scene. It was about punk rock, skateboarding like the boys in dog town, most recently it has been about hip-hop music, lyrics the change in climate the world as melting pot of disasters and world destruction. I feel like I’m venting in a way or at maybe I’m just getting something off my chest. 

I look at graffiti and its writers as my inspiration. The love of type and letters forms has pushed me more and more to want to share my love of it with the friends, family and the random people of the world that can appreciate and share the same values I keep close to the vest. The Daily Antics has been something I have been working on for years almost like a life project, something that I think about nearly every day. It’s been a something I have wanted for years and only now I have come to realize how much goes into something that you love, but it isn’t called work when it something you love to do, when it’s the passion that drives you or the sheer love of it that keep you wanting more. 

I don’t know what the purpose of this post was other than ranting and raving about my love and my dreams. The message I want to leave for the people that are reading this is loved what you do and once it stops being fun, stop doing it and move on to the something else. Live your life. Drake once said "I got to feel alive, even if it kills me". So take that and run with it because we’re all here for a very short time and all we can do is live to the limit and love it a lot. Another quotable from the great Hov. With that I say peace and much love to you.

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