I been waiting for this bastard to drop something, I was gonna pay the guy just to get a sneak, you got it show, you never know whats youll make of yourself this is just the begining...check out the free download on the link above
Ive gotta go and listen to this Album more peace...
Dec 30, 2009
Dec 25, 2009
Bowman is a crazy illstrator that paints with glass as you can see his work is one of a kind. I 1st saw this when i went to OMY gallery in Toronto at the time Mike was mentoring me...I absolutely love his work he his also another illustrator but Bowman is straight bananazzzzz...take a gander
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Dec 23, 2009
What is better than a collabaration? two different ideas becoming one...can work every well cause its creates something that is so different nobody seen it coming so keep the collobrations comin for if we stick together we will all grow and be stronger people..
im gonnnnnnnnnnnnnne
Dec 21, 2009

Dec 16, 2009
Graffiti I Love you
Many things in live i love: pregnant women, girls with tats, art and greaffiti and eating i can eat till the wheels fall off..
do what you love and dont let anyone tell you different
Dec 8, 2009
Illustration at its best
Us Versus Them X Crooks & Castles ~ Rise Up from DIGITAL X on Vimeo.
its the way of life, taker the pencil to the canvas and use the most versatile medium the art world has come to kno im my opinion...then its made into a t-shirt art has made it so far that its not rare to hear that neighbour can draw or has something to do with the art world
make are not bombs...
Dec 6, 2009
one in the same...
This is a short video by HENSE of 7th Letter and he basically is talkinb about his life as a graffiti artist, the good times and the bad. Also talks about his growth as an artist and the years pass. He says he thinks he will be doing art for the rest of his life and these days I feel exactly the same way...
Dec 5, 2009
Its the new Blog
Its the new blog, a lot cleaner than the blogspot, and somewhat easier to use, so im not complaining. I cant leave my blogspot feel like its my baby, maybe one day but for now Ill keep this just for things that are on my mind that twitter is too short to hold and things i surf the net and see and tumblr will be my work for the most part and some people i follow or want to mention...
peace and much love to you
peace and much love to you
Speakin' the truth...
It funny how the world has become so digital and connect with people half way across the country. Blogging, vloggin, social networkin has become second nature, we have smartphone and now everything is at our finger being orginal like Kid Cudi isnt seelling but, making sure your different cause no two men are the same...
Who are Thunderheist??
Thunderheist is an electronic music duo from Toronto and Montreal, Canada. Thunderheist is made up of producer Grahm Zilla (from Montreal) and MC Isis (from Toronto). [1] The two began collaborating before they had ever met in person, sending MP3 files to each other over the Internet.
Dec 4, 2009
I think its a bout time that i buy a new part of sneaks, im big on night and im big on black shoes not one for much colour unless its a dark colour. I love hi-tops cant explain as to why but as far as i can remeber i have always love to wear hi-top nike kicks, never really mess with too much else but whatever.
I was surfing the new today and came across this jacket from nike and im loving it, but damn im caught between a rock and a hard place. I want the jacket but I also want to get some new software for my laptop and i would also like to get another due time i think to myself, but these days you get something now and there something even better two days from now.
Dec 3, 2009
So I've got 2 blogs now and I intend to keep the both. This one as you know will be the for socail networkin, and the other will be the other one. This one will be more of a professional one that demonstrates, my talents but more on for building my portfolio and more commission look out for the more posting and more work...holla at me if you got any
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Dec 1, 2009
Where are you going???
this is where I am goin to keep the blogspot still to follow those of you thats im currently following, but i wouldnt hold my breathe wait for a new post other than this on anytime some. Check me out on thr link above and tell me what you think
this is where I am goin to keep the blogspot still to follow those of you thats im currently following, but i wouldnt hold my breathe wait for a new post other than this on anytime some. Check me out on thr link above and tell me what you think
Nov 27, 2009
Nov 26, 2009
I was pumped for the album the. Anticipating Wale. Straight out of Washington. In my opinion I thought the album would have been dope, but I said that about the Somalian rapper Knaan. I hated the album put it on the Zune took another listen and loved it. So I could change my mind after all we are human, but for now I'm not feelin the album. Trust me when I am feelin it or if I ever do you will know.
"Be Chillin"
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"Be Chillin"
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Nov 24, 2009
What a better way to advertise your lookbook than to use artist. I seen this on the Rebel 8 website. I feel like its a great example of real recognize real. Respect of your peers...damn I would love for other artist to buy my shit..make me feel good. But I'm not there yet.
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Nov 18, 2009
Just a name?!?!?
Graffiti for the most part is just a glorification of ones name. But is it really just a name? Many believe it to be vandalism, art, a form of expression. Its all of these things and more. Graffiti has been around for centuries. Romains, did it, cavemen did. They wrong on the wall to communicate. So when you look at something that's is hard to understand, it doesn't mean its stupid, it jus means you've haven't been able to wrap your finger around the concept. Graffiti just a name. Its more than that. Its a way of life....
Graffiti change my life
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Graffiti change my life
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I don't kno what's with me the past few days, but this infatuation with the female anatomy and art work, I don't kno I'm not looking for an explanation I just think its awfully funny the more I look the more I find, but its not my intentions. Oh well enjoy the art work for what it is: great artist keep it out sometime.
The allure of breaking the law...
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The allure of breaking the law...
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?Gaga and Swift?
Art comes in many different mediums, music being one of them, music has a large influence in my life. I decided to post this cause Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift are taking over the airwaves. I think its dope that they are polar opposites and people still love them. I'm a fan I won't like and certain music provokes certain style and type of art work. Look out for more art work inflenced by these 2 ladies. Catch ya'll on the flipside.
The Year of the many eyes
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The Year of the many eyes
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Graffiti on Girls
It jus something I'm into art work on graffiti, graffiti has always been a love and a good looking female is an added bonus. I'm not a perv I just love woman and I love art work can you hate me for put them together and love its all at once.
For the love of art
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For the love of art
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Nov 16, 2009
Wow I would have never of guessed it Marge Simpson, do playboy I don't have any complain. Marge can give most of the playmates a run for their money, when she let's down that long blue hair. If I wasn't I'm my right mind Marge could be a MILF...anyway it was funny to see a icon like marge posing for playboy
Going Hollywood isn't selling out its just making more money
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Going Hollywood isn't selling out its just making more money
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Nov 13, 2009
50 Cent?
Every two years he comes out with an album this two year lapse seemed a bit longer but, maybe cause my views have changed I don't listen to 50 cent as much as I would Coldplay or John Mayer...I think when were younger we are more simple minded. 4 years ago its was all about gangster music and gettn hype. Now it seems things have become a little more calm. John Mayer, Michael Jasckson, Trey Songz are just some of the name that I have listen to and I think its has changed the art and my style. Not sayin the music influences me, but that I'm growing up and so is my art work...
People don't change situations and circumstances change
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People don't change situations and circumstances change
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Messed Up
Was goin on some high renaissance and I was fallin a sleep wanted to finish so I rushed that shouldn't be an excuse but, its what happen. Worst part about it was goin great until I started yawning...oh well on to the next project...
Know when to give it a rest, take a break and not overload.
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Nov 12, 2009
Smile Forever
Its all said and done....moving on to the high renaissance...big project but ill get it done stay posted...
Smile now, cry later
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Smile now, cry later
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Nov 10, 2009
Skull & Roses
New piece not quite done...but this is the 1st stage of a very large piece of art work...have to do it every few hours cause I won't rush it that way and I can think about the composition on my time off...
"You every wonder if you'll find your dreams, you ever wonder what it all really means"
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"You every wonder if you'll find your dreams, you ever wonder what it all really means"
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Good times, as a kid I always use to watch Pee Wee, and Ernist. Those were the good old days when TV was actually god and watch able, not the same crap over and over survivor, real world, Peak Season, Lie to me, flash forward., jus to name a few. Tv has died and Pee Wee brings me back to reality when it comes down to the good stuff...
Pee Wee Herman had a walrobe of all the same things, very easy to get dress...
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Nov 8, 2009
I just got prisma colours and this was my 1st you kno how that goes it you remember your 1st time, but anyway I love'em couldn't put them down...went to a get together and what of the girls said "BELLA" I was hooked on the word so I drew it out and at the time I was in a drawing eyes phrase don't kno why but that's what came of it...
Smurk,chaio bella!
When in doubt colour
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Smurk,chaio bella!
When in doubt colour
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Nov 3, 2009
Best of both Worlds
I can't get enough of tattooed female I don't kno what get better than that. For the most part I think its the best of both worlds. Females and art. Most people thing it depends on the female, and it depends on where the tattoo is located but I don't think so...for a female to plaster her body wit ink is sexy. I need to find a girl with tattoos I'm sure its a phase I'll get over but for now that's my hitch...
Peace and much love to ya, Big Smurk
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Peace and much love to ya, Big Smurk
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Nov 1, 2009
This is me today...
My daily horoscope: Don't be afraid to daydream, Taurus. Just be sure to keep your imaginings positive. You can be prone to suspicion and envy, but don't let it get the best of you today. People around you become alienated when you feel that way, whether you share your concerns with them or not. If you are in the middle of a period of change, know that it is transitory. You will begin to feel more secure soon. Don't let your anxiety ruin your fantasies today. Imagine your future and know you can make it happen.
Smurk, out
Never be afraid to pursue your dreams
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Smurk, out
Never be afraid to pursue your dreams
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Oct 30, 2009
Autistic Artist Stephen Wiltshire Draws NYC from Memory
Got This from
“The unbelievably intricate picture was drawn at Brooklyn’s prestigious Pratt Institute from Stephen’s memory, with details of every building sketched in to scale,” reports the UK’s Daily Mail. “Landmarks including the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building can be seen towering above smaller buildings after just three days in his spellbinding creation.”
Listening intently to his ipod throughout the artistic process - because music helps him - London-born Stephen uses only graphic pens as he commits his photographic memory to the high-grade paper.
“Invited by top U.S. television network CBS to display his talents to the American public in a new screen appearance this week, Stephen has dumbfounded art lovers around the globe with sketches of Tokyo, Rome and Hong Kong.”
“Using his drawings to help him learn and encouraged by his family, Stephen created a series of 26 coded pictures to help him speak, all of which corresponded to a letter in the alphabet.
“Going through up to 12 pens during his sketches which can take a week to finish, Stephen also draws heavily on music which he carries everywhere.”
Never Stop being you
Wall Lords 2009 - Korea Stage from Wall Lords on Vimeo.
Im a very passinate person and i take many things personbal and that includes graffiti, a form of art i love and wouldnt trade for the world....Graffiti I love you..
Big Smurk,
Live, Laugh and Love
Oct 28, 2009
??Alan Wood??
Here's some art work I came across as I was surfin the world wide web...Alan Wood graphic artist, I think he dope!!! And what's make it even better he's Canadian...some people think all ggood thing happen in America but..that's maybe be the case for music and sport and some others..!but ! For art we as Canadians aren't messin around...
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Oct 26, 2009
Yes that's holloween...seems to be an empty holiday, one that lack day we all are to go out and get candy from other strangers don't get me wrong I use to do it and it probably boostes the moral of the community..I jus find it useless..anyway enough of my rant...keep it real!
It aint trickn' if you got it...
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It aint trickn' if you got it...
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Oct 24, 2009
oh canada!!!
Writing Toronto's (Hi)Story (24 minutes) from Well and Good on Vimeo.
Canada very own...damn i love this place
keep it real
My niece wanted the little mermaide characters draw up for sure so I threw my onwn little swist to...she hated she wanted the little mermaide but its all good she got Arial in the end
The mind is a terrible things to waiste..
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The mind is a terrible things to waiste..
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Oct 22, 2009
So I was on twitter and came across this girl..calls herself Desboobs, some with my one track mind decided to check out what she was all about and to my surprise I was in heaven... is the site that I have book marked and in heavy rotation..I'm a male can't hate me for like specific thing of the femal anatomy...anyway I'm gone...
Don't. Talk out blog about it..
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Don't. Talk out blog about it..
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So a girl msgd via email askin me about this old post I have of these flowers my question is do I charged her for something already done? It just doesn't make sense to me...but it is my art work so it would have to mean something...???I don't kno???
Big Smurk,
Out scream at me!!
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Big Smurk,
Out scream at me!!
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Oct 19, 2009 is the blog...hopeness is her game...found this blog just doin my random search of the world wide web and cam acorss this intenses artist...I'd say check it would be in your best interest...
Out...Dats My Word!!
Talent comes and goes like that...
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Out...Dats My Word!!
Talent comes and goes like that...
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Oct 18, 2009
This was done way back and I got the image out of a news paper...I riped the piece of the paper I wanted to draw and half of his face was taken...its was good at the I loook back think that I could have done better...the pursuit of perfection
That's My Word...SMURK
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That's My Word...SMURK
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Oct 13, 2009
My 1st attempts at this paper... Two years bleeding, blends well, I felt like I was in heaven now I'm doin anything and everything...its not the tools its how you use them...
Smurk, what you do
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Oct 12, 2009
In my Air Force #1's
Nuff said...
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Oct 11, 2009
Two Paint Cans...
Two paint cans and a wall that's all you need, its like having a pencil, a marker and paper how could you go wrong...a writers dream...the bare minimum is a black can wit a few tips...keep doin your thing, don't let people hold you back..follow your dreams
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Oct 9, 2009
Keep it Clean?
When back to an old digital I did...I remember when home boy from"omy gallery" told me jus keep your shit first felt like it was an oxy-moron but now I see what he talkin about!!
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Oct 8, 2009
7th Day
probably the sickest, biggest 7th day projects that i have seen in a and enjoy
dont worry ill be back wit that fire jus have a bit of writers block
probably the sickest, biggest 7th day projects that i have seen in a and enjoy
dont worry ill be back wit that fire jus have a bit of writers block
Oct 6, 2009
The Award Tour aka Phillip Annand
hats and scarves.
Super Mario?
Who Is Anmlhse?
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